During the third week in July when the mid summer sports weekend takes place we are planning to also hold Lomomd’s birthday. We hope to have many events taking place from parades and school reunions to the events that normally take place with the sports weekend.
8-9:30 am – Western Tractor breakfast at Centre
10:30-11:30 am – Parade and Show and Shine
11:45 am – Opening Ceremonies: Welcome by the mayor and dignitaries will take place in the arena.
12:00 pm – History Book unveiling and first edition auction.
Ball Tournament and Beach Volleyball
Food available at Harvest Moon Cafe and 4-H Concession at Centre
1:30 pm – Kids Carnival at Centre
2-2:30 pm – Library will provide refreshments and cake after your viewing of the Heritage Garden Displays of local school sites and the names of personnel serving in the armed forces.
3-4:30 pm – School and Multi-purpose facility tours.
5-7 pm – Lion’s Beef Barbecue
Ball Committees beer garden and dance.